I have adequately used my personal voice in my ePortfolio. I made this not just a record of my work in the Applied Digital Learning masters program but also of all areas of my experience. In the PORTFOLIO tab, I have a button that will take you to the different work and projects through my personal hobbies, during college, and all of the different professional experiences I have gained by working in different areas. In allowing voice in my own work, I know fully understand the importance of giving my students a voice in their own ePortfolios. Harapnuick and Thibodeaux (2023) state “Most importantly, the learner is given the opportunity to choose and take ownership of their own authentic learning experiences. All the variables are in place to help your learner make the meaningful connections that are so fundamental to learning. When you factor in a genuine digital learning portfolio, which we prefer to call an ePortfolio, you also give your learners the opportunity to find their voice, reflect on their experiences, express their insights, connect, and collaborate with a broader learning community.” I realize now the power of student's voice will personalize the learning and my students will be more “invested” in curating their own ePortfolio. This will, in turn, reduce discipline issues and provide more engaging and meaningful questions specific to their individual needs. “Voice is realized through the ePortfolio and a wide assortment of authentic plans, strategies and related documents, resources and presentations share with their audience.” (Harapnuik, Thibodeaux 2023)
In “An ePortfolio Revolution,” which I propose through my innovation plan and subsequent implementation outline, I plan on using my ePortfolio as an example. An ePortfolio is not just a collection of your accomplishments; it is where you can show who you are and illustrate how you are unique. An ePortfolio can even be used in an interview. It can show what sets you (the student) apart and why you would be the best fit for the job, internship, or even college application you are applying for.
Harapnuik, D.; Thibodeaux, T. (2023) COVA: Inspire Learning Through Choice,
Ownership, Voice and Authentic Experiences. (p. 88, 92) Learner’s Mindset Publishing.
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